中国博彩平台校友会(PSAA)宣布了一项20美元的奖金,这将增加最近为纪念2024年复兴基金获奖者罗杰·威廉姆斯而设立的奖学金捐赠, retired PSAA executive director, and his wife, Karen Magnuson, 已退休的大学市场营销副主任. 庆祝文艺复兴基金会成立55周年, PSAA将为任何命名的复兴基金提供550美元或更多的捐赠,并将等额捐赠给罗杰·L. Williams and Karen L. Magnuson Renaissance Fund.
中国博彩平台将于5月9日举行第三届年度公开平价展示. This event is open to any faculty or staff member within the Penn State network interested in making students’ Penn State experience more affordable; exploring best practices around open educational resources; discovering new ways to use materials in classes, assignments or activities; or how open pedagogy can help advance teaching and learning goals.